Common Basketball Injuries Treated By Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Bridgeport Chicago

While we all love shooting hoops, sometimes a misstep can lead to serious injuries. Many of the injuries associated with basketball can be treated with Free Body Physical Therapy in Bridgeport Chicago. There is an assortment of injuries associated with basketball, and each has its own prevention and treatment methods. In this article, we will discuss the best way to prepare yourself for the risks. 

Types of Injuries

Generally, there are two types of basketball injuries; acute, and overuse. Acute injuries are the result of accidents like falls or slips, while overuse injuries are the result of overworking the body simply by playing the game. Both acute and overworking injuries can be treated with physical therapy in Bridgeport Chicago:

  • Acute Injuries
    • Sprains, often in the wrist or ankle
    • Knee ligament strains or tears
    • Finger fractures
  • Overworking Injuries
    • Tendonitis
    • Shoulder pain
    • Lower back pain

Preventing Basketball Injuries

While it’s hard to prevent accidents like falls or slips, you can prepare your body for the game to help cut down on overworking injuries. Physical therapy in Bridgeport Chicago can give you the proper training and care to get your body in basketball shape. Here are some tips to help you prepare for any potential basketball injury.

  • Warm-up
    • Before any workout, especially sports, it’s important to gradually warm the muscle groups needed for the activity. A warm up allows you to heat your muscles and increase blood flow, allowing for more mobility and energy.
  • Wear protective equipment
    • While basketball might not have as much gear as some sports, you can still greatly benefit from wearing mouthguards, anti-skid basketball shoes, ankle guards, or knee pads. 
  • Stay Hydrated
    • Your body needs water to be able to perform properly. Make sure to drink not only sports drinks but also pure water. 
  • Allow sufficient recovery time from previous injuries

Treating Basketball Injuries with Free Body Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy in Bridgeport Chicago can help you treat nearly every kind of basketball injury. We have a sports rehabilitation program designed to get you healthy and on your game as soon as possible. In many cases, the sports rehabilitation program can actually improve athletic output, and increase your flexibility.  Check out our website for more information.