Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago is a form of acupuncture used by physical therapists. Dry needling is a therapeutic technique in which a thin, solid filament needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point. The main purpose of dry needling is to release the contraction or activity of a trigger point by inserting the needle into the contracted area—this creates a window of release. Therapeutic dry needling is regulated in eleven states and may only be performed by physical therapists with a license to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic care, or podiatry and who have received specialized training and certification as dry needlers.
Dry needling is used as a treatment by physical therapists to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension and spasms, improve range of motion in joints , treat sports injuries, break up scar tissue adhesions in muscles or tendons , enhance healing after surgery or injury , increase neuromuscular control and coordination , correct muscular deformities such as scoliosis (curvature of the spine),and to treat headaches .
Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago is not the same as acupuncture. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, acupuncture is a technique that originated in ancient China involving thin needles that are inserted into specific points on the body with the aim of influencing the flow of energy in the body. Dry needling is often used to treat pain, but with needles that are solid, not hollow.
Dry needling can be performed by a physical therapist or athletic trainer who has completed training recognized by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). To protect both patients and practitioners, it is recommended that physical therapists engage in continuing education to use Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago with an evidence-based approach.
Dry needling is done by inserting a solid needle into the skin and muscle directly at myofascial trigger points . The main purpose of dry needling is to release the contraction or activity of a trigger point by inserting the needle into the contracted area—this creates a window of release.If you are in need of Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago, contact Free Body Physical Therapy. Our fully trained and educated team can help you. Check out how the benefits of dry needling can help you today!
Is your ankle and foot pain holding you back? Our team at Free Body Physical Therapy specializes in Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago. Habits of your daily lifestyle can be increasing the risk of . If you are experiencing this pain, check out a Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago!
Causes of Foot and Ankle Pain.
An active lifestyle can lead to foot and ankle pain. The average American walks between 3,000 and 4,000 steps a day. The foot consists of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work together to function properly. The smallest tweak can cause pain. Here are common causes of foot and ankle pain.
- Ankle Sprains.
- Plantar Fasciitis.
- Fractures.
- Achilles Tendonitis.
- Arch Issues.
It is important to make sure to stretch and take proper precautions before doing physical activity or anything that causes stress to the feet.
Risk Factors.
There are risk factors that can increase your chances of increasing foot and ankle pain. We want you to understand these factors to decrease the chances of pain. Many factors are avoidable. Lifestyle changes may need to be taken place to improve your overall foot health. Here are common risk factors:
- Wearing the wrong type of shoe.
- Arthritis.
- Obesity.
- Smoking.
- Running on Uneven Surfaces.
To understand these risk factors, contact foot and ankle clinic Chicago.
Treatment for Foot and Ankle Pain.
Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago a physical therapy program custom to your injury. It is important to heal while strengthening the surrounding foot muscles. Our team will guide you through the recovery process and get your body to be pain-free. Allow us to get you back to your old self. Here are common foot and ankle exercises:
- Toe Raises.
- Toe Curls.
- Achilles Stretch.
- Golf Ball Stretch.
- Marble Pickups.
For more information on physical therapy options for the Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago, click here.
Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago
If you are looking for Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago, Free Body Physical Therapy is the place for you. Our team of professional doctors will create a recovery process that is specific to your needs. Contact foot and ankle clinic Chicago. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Foot injuries can hold you back from doing the activities you love. Some of the most common foot injuries include heel spurs, sesamoiditis, and bunions. We use our feet every day, so when pain does occur, fast relief is desired. At Free Body Physical Therapy we can pair you with our specialist to heal and relieve pain from your foot injury. Get the appropriate treatment at our Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago.
Heel Spurs
Heel spurs are a foot injury that includes the irregular growths of bone, or calcium deposits, on the bottom of your heel. Heel spurs can be caused by wearing ill-fitted shoes, having an uneven walk or posture, or from activities such as running. Heel spurs are surprisingly common, however, most people do not feel pain from them. In some cases, however, the spurs can irritate you when walking or standing. People with abnormal arches in their feet are more likely to have discomfort from heel spurs. At our Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago, we use physical therapy to treat and tackle heel spurs.
Sesamoids are the two bones beneath the ball of your foot, connected by tendons. When the tendons surrounding your sesamoids become injured or irritated, it is called sesamoiditis. Sesamoiditis is a form of tendonitis that is common with athletes that use the balls of their feet. Solutions to treat sesamoiditis include:
- Resting your feet
- Icing the sesamoids
- Taping the big toe to immobilize the joint
- Wearing a foot pad under the toe
- Wearing comfortable shoes
If pain persists after these treatments, see our Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago for treatment.
Bunions are a common foot injury that occurs when the first toe joint is misaligned. This causes a bony bulge next to the base of the big toe. Bunions can cause pain if they go untreated. Bunions are common among older people or people who wear ill-fitted shoes. Wearing shoe inserts and more comfortable shoes is recommended to relieve pain from bunions.
Contact Us Today
If you are experiencing any of these or other foot injuries, see our doctors at Free Body Physical Therapy. Our Dry Needling Physical Therapy Chicago guides our patients to living pain-free lives by giving them the relief they need. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with our specialist.