Telehealth physical therapy has allowed people to receive very needed care from the comfort of their own homes. These kinds of appointments have become especially needed over the past year. One of the biggest questions when it comes to telehealth physical therapy Illinois is regarding the equipment you may need for your appointment. While this might be a deterrent to some, there isn’t a lot you need for a telehealth physical therapy appointment! Contact us at Free Body PT today to learn more!
Computer and Internet
Telehealth appointments are done from home, so the first thing you will need is access to a computer and an internet connection. The appointment can be done with almost any computer, tablet, or smartphone that has a camera and microphone, so it is accessible to many people!
Movement is a big part of physical therapy, and you need to have space to do it! Ensure you have ample space free of anything that could get in your way during the appointment. For example, try conducting the appointment in an open area like your living room instead of a crowded room like your bedroom. This will ensure that you can focus on your treatment without any obstacles.
Other Equipment
Since you are not in an office with telehealth physical therapy Illinois, you may need to get creative with household items to assist in your treatment. Items you can use will depend on your injury and what treatment you are given. Here are some items you may be able to use:
- A bath or beach towel can be used as a mat if your treatment requires you to lay down or conduct treatment on the floor,
- Cans of food can be used as improvised weights for shoulder or arm treatments,
- Rubber bands can be used as resistance bands for your finger and hands.
Telehealth Physical Therapy Illinois at Free Body PT
In a time when many people are restricted in the activities they can do, it is important to still have access to needed services such as physical therapy. Telehealth physical therapy Illinois allows so many people to safely access treatment. Free Body Physical Therapy takes our patients’ safety seriously, offering great care from the comfort of your own home.