Optimizing Athletic Performance in Cold Weather

Some people wonder if there are actual true benefits of exercising during the cold weather. Some studies demonstrate cold environments convert the body’s fat cells and help the body acclimatize to cold climates, and increases resting energy expenditure, which are the number of calories a person burns just sitting around. Finding information about the benefits of cold-weather exercise to do around the Chicago area may be challenging to research; plus, winter gym buildings could increase their membership rates as they know you want to get in shape for the next season! Therefore why not try physical therapy instead? At Free Body Physical Therapy Berwyn, IL, there are certified people ready to lend you a hand and guide you for the best options available to obtain excellent results starting from today! Take a chance to get to know more about who they are, their missions, and achievements. 

Free Body Physical Therapy Berwyn, IL

The Free Body Physical Therapy is a clinic specialized in physical therapy in Chicago, IL, focusing on treating individuals with care. Bodies respond differently to injuries, so it is needed different types of exercises to get back in shape. With the wide range of therapy programs offered by Free Body PT, it is possible to achieve wellness and see a better image of yourself. 

Benefits of Cold Weather on Body Exercise

People who practice physical exercises are concerned about safety when it comes to practice outside under the chilly temperatures. However, considering exercise during the cold season may be beneficial as long the body is covered enough to maintain a healthy temperature and functioning the same way it would in any other workout environment. Take into consideration that cold weather will make you:

  • Burn more calories
  • Strengthen your cardiovascular system
  • Build tolerance to the freezing environment
  • Remember the warm-up and cool-down body movements
  • Get a dose of Vitamin D
  • Boost your mood and immune system
  • Feel energized
  • Present new training opportunities

Free Body Physical Therapy Berwyn, IL suggests that cold weather makes the bodywork better because it regulates the temperature, it is beneficial for those who struggle with stress, and it also creates a heart muscle stronger preparing the body for more strenuous exercises in the future. Cold weather improves someone’s mood thanks to the lack of humidity that is commonly found throughout the other seasons, resulting in a lack of desire to exercise because of heavy air accumulated throughout the day. Plus, getting outdoors in the fresh air in cold weather can help replenish vitamin D levels in the skin. If jogging may not be good enough to provide the results you are looking for, consider trying other kinds of sports such as skiing or cold water swimming. Winter sports or water-related sports have been proven to alleviate stress and provide great body circulation to guarantee great results in less time!

Contact Us For Physical Therapy Berwyn, IL!

To get to know more about the practices and methods used at Free Body Physical Therapy Berwyn, IL, schedule a consultation by calling or emailing their clinic center. Assistants are prepared to provide you with the best information regarding the physical therapy procedures and much more! Visit their website for more information!